Ship miễn phí khi đặt từ 2 chiếc Bug Bite Thing
Tiết kiệm 60,000đ khi mua 3 chiếc
Giảm 15% đơn hàng nhân Ngày của Mẹ
"First, we LOVE our Bug Bite Thing!"

First, we LOVE our Bug Bite Thing! My daughter was going through cancer treatment and her Dr recommended this due to the chemicals that are in so many other remedies! We ordered 2 more and gave them away to other cancer families. Something in their chemo makes them extremely succeptable to bites from gnats! I work at [a retail store] In the health department and I wish I could sell them for you there! When people ask what’s the best bug bite remedy, I tell as many people I can about your product!
