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Ship miễn phí khi đặt từ 2 chiếc Bug Bite Thing




It is simple, yet surprisingly effective.

Thank you for the opportunity to evaluate your product! It is simple, yet surprisingly effective. I can now confidently answer patient questions and whole-heartedly recommend the Bug Bite Thing in my practice. I appreciate the demo units you sent and have decided to refer patients who are interested in purchasing one to your website or an authorized online retailer at this time. We will be in touch if anything changes. Thank you again and please stay well!

Dr. Goetsch

"First, we LOVE our Bug Bite Thing!"

First, we LOVE our Bug Bite Thing! My daughter was going through cancer treatment and her Dr recommended this due to the chemicals that are in so many other remedies! We ordered 2 more and gave them away to other cancer families. Something in their chemo makes them extremely succeptable to bites from gnats! I work at [a retail store] In the health department and I wish I could sell them for you there! When people ask what’s the best bug bite remedy, I tell as many people I can about your product!

Brianne U.

"...amazing miracle tool!"

I would like to thank you for creating this amazing miracle tool! My son is severely allergic to mosquitoes and he has been nervous to get bit this summer because of the reactions he gets. Last night, he got his first bite and we used the bug bite thing and it didn’t swell or bruise or even bubble up! We all breathed a sigh of relief knowing he will get to go outside in the evenings and play! Thank you so much! We truly are very grateful!

Kinsey D.

"Your product has been such a game-changer"

APPRECIATION! I recently purchased your product, and to say I'm in love would say the least. I'm such an outdoors person. For some reason, Mosquitoes LOVE me though. It's so hard to enjoy going outside even for an hour without dreading a hundred bites I'm going to encounter. Your product has been such a game-changer, and It is relaxing knowing that I can stay outside as long as I want, without fear, because I trust your product! I'm telling all my friends about it as we speak! Thank you Bug Bite Thing! I love y'all!

Kate W.

" It worked just like it’s advertised."

I know that this doesn’t look like much, but it’s the real deal. Whether you are an avid outdoors man, a parent, a coach, or anybody; you need this device. I am a member of Battlbox, which is a monthly subscription box for hunters, campers, preppers, and the like. I received this tool and didn’t think much of it at first. While mowing grass, I got bit by a mosquito and a buck fly. I tried this device and was surprised at how well it worked and how easy it was to use. Then the real test came. I got bit by a spider. My arm started turning red and swelling up. Once I saw the bite mark I realized it was indeed a spider bite but didn’t know what kind. Well, let’s try the Bug Bite Thing again. Guess what? It worked just like it’s advertised. After about thirty minutes the redness and swelling where gone, as well as no itching. Everyone needs this tool. It’s simple and easy to use. I personally recommend this device for everyone.

Justin C.

"This has been a life saver."

Living in Florida with rain, mosquitos and a toddler is a night mare. Until I found this device. It has seriously saved my babe’s arms and legs. Considering she is mildly allergic to mosquitos and moderately allergic to ants, this is the best. I immediately use this and it is if the bite never happened rather than days and sometimes a week or more of swelling, potent steroid creams, allergy medicines, etc. This has been a life saver. I recommend this product to ALL parents and will be one of my go to gifts!

Alixandra D.

"The miracle product I’ve been waiting for.."

I can sit out in the patio with my husband and two year old and I’m the only one who gets bit. But not just once. Last night I had 5 bites behind my left knee, two behind the right, one on my lower back, and two on my shoulder. All within 20 minutes. This is a common occurrence. I haven’t found anything that works for me in preventing or helping afterwards so I tried this product skeptically. I used it yesterday for the first time and I am SO happy with the results. We were able to use it on all of the big bites and I haven’t had an itch since. This is like the miracle product I’ve been waiting for and I’m so glad I found out about it!

Tiffani G.

"I’m so happy I no longer have to suffer!"

I’ve been getting eaten alive by mosquitos since I was a kid - literally always the one person who ends up with bites. I’m also allergic (I think?) because they continue to swell up for weeks and I’ll scratch while I’m sleeping which causes me to end up getting scabs everywhere. Well, I used this product yesterday when I got 3 bites and I got pretty much instant relief and the next day all that remains is a tiny red dot that doesn’t even itch. I love this product!!! I’m so happy I no longer have to suffer!

Shani R.

"Amazing! Best $10 I ever spent!"

Amazing! Best $10 I ever spent! I live in a county where mosquitos are always in high numbers and they love my blood. I wear bug spray like perfume but still get bit. This saved me! It totally stops the itching within minutes! No more skin reactions, redness, unbearable itching, or creams. I can't say enough good things about it. I've got bit probably 20 times already and you cant even tell on my sensitive skin. Thank you!!

Ronnie T.

" itch at all afterwards!"

I can't say enough about this simple and smart product! I bought it last fall after hearing about it. I didn't really need it then and kind of forgot about it. Fast forward to last night. On my forearm, I had a bite that made me want to dig my skin off. I either get more bites than most or react more to them, and I have bug bite medicine with me at all times in the summer. Anyway, I remembered my Bug Bite Thing and used it for the first time. itch at all afterwards! I washed the area with soap and water, and it is completely flat this morning with no itch. This is the product I've needed my whole life but didn't have...thank you so much!!!

Amy F.

"The itching and swelling dissipated immediately!"

I ordered the Bug Bite Thing in December after watching the Shark Tank episode. I live in the Northeastern US and have not had to use it until the spring weather arrived. No matter what I do, bugs find me and to compound it I usually have an allergic reaction. I have tried numerous anti-itch creams and natural remedies through the years which treat symptoms but not the root cause. I ordered the Bug Bite Thing with skepticism but am very pleasantly surprised. I had multiple bug bites that I tried this on and the itching and swelling dissipated immediately! It works and without chemicals. I highly recommend!

Amazon Customer

" I never want to live without it ever again."

All my life I've been a mosquito magnet. It really sucks. I bought a house that regularly gets mosquitos in the backyard and I'm in my own personal itchy hell when they come out. I bought this just to try it and OMG its the only things that has ever given me any relief. I'd say it works 98% of the time. I love this thing. I lost it and bought another one. I never want to live without it ever again.

Wedge G.

“From a beekeeper, this works!”

As a beekeeper who is pretty allergic to bee stings, I can say this little tool has made my hobby SO much easier. I suit up to work my hives, but nearly always get stung somewhere. Before I had the Bug Bite Thing, a sting on a finger meant ridiculous swelling right up to my elbow. I couldn’t use that hand for 2-3 days, as it would be so swollen I couldn’t close my hand. Now I use the Bug Bite Thing to suck out the venom ASAP (sometimes I can’t do it immediately, if I’m holding a frame full of thousands of bugs), and I’ve never once had that severe swelling reaction since. It really has been a game-changer to me. I’m back today to purchase another one, as the end cap in mine only lasted 2 years before developing a crack that prevents suction. I wish I could purchase just the removable end cap separately, but I can’t really complain, when the price is so affordable and the tool is so effective.

Sarah G.

“Immediately stopped the itch”

Instantly stopped the itch...I was skeptical cause it's "just a hunk of plastic" but it really blew me away. My husband & son are both extra sensitive to bites and swell up. I've caught every bite the same night thus far and no itching or swelling the next day! Great to not have to coat my 3yr old in calamine or other chemicals AFTER being covered in bug spray lol

Savannah J.


I was really skeptical about this product but after a terribly hot, humid season leading to an abundance of mosquitos in my area, I needed more relief than minor itch creams like cortizone could provide. As soon as I get a bite I use this Littler Sucker and I already feel relief and save myself from 95% of itchiness. For added measure I use an alcohol wipe after every suck in case any bug toxins/venoms are released and pulled out. The adjustable size is perfect for larger and smaller bites in hard to reach places like between my fingers (yes, it's a terribly annoying spot) and for extra thoroughness (first using the large size, then the smaller one to narrow it down to the actual bite to hopefully get the toxins out). Overall, this thing is a miracle worker, I can definitely recommend these little suckers!

Andrew H.

“A Godsend if mosquitos love you”

I would give this product 20 ********** if I could. Carry one in my purse at all times to combat Hawaii’s critters who looooove to bite me. My kids are getting them for Christmas and I’ve told my neighbors about them. Works immediately. May need to repeat in an hour or two, but it’s quick and easy to do. Leaves a circle from the compression but that disappears in a moment and is better than scabs from itching. Slight pain involved-about the same as when you press on a bite with a fingernail to stop the itch. So very glad to have found this. Just ask my husband!

China Traveler

“A Winner”

Saw this on Shark Tank and it seemed too simple to really work but intriguing enough that we bought it. We are kayakers and are outside regularly and get bites from mosquitoes and fire ants. So, once the product arrived , I was almost excited about getting a bite to see if it would work! Didn’t have to wait to long, and I used it immediately after a bite...and WOW! I was shocked. This thing really works! Recommended it to all our kayaking friends!!

Deb F.

“Thank you Bug Bite Thing!”

I bought this during an itch induced madness. I was up all night scratching not one, not two, not even three hour FOUR mosquito bites. They were the worst I’ve ever had. I knew this couldn’t help those bites but ya girl was scared for future bites. So I bought it. Arrived fast. Just in time for two more bites. I’m attaching two photos. The ones with scary scans are from not using it. Idk if you can even tell on the other photo where the bite was!! Night and day difference. I forgot I had been bitten there. You do have to repeatedly use it — I used it on each bite 3-4 times for 30 seconds each. Obviously to me this is a minor inconvenience compared to such SWIFT relief! No scabs, no more itching. I keep it in my bedside table and would consider buying more just to have around. Thank you bug bite thing!!!

Samantha S.

“You need this!”

I am a magnet for bites of all kinds and carry topical and medicines with me at all times - so I figured this would be a good product to see if it really works. It arrived Monday and Tuesday morning I woke up with a bug bite on my arm... I used this little tool (3 x per the instructions) and documented with photos.- immediately after using, it stopped itching! And less than 24 hours later the bump / bite gone! There is a very faint red mark from using the thing but a small price to pay IMO. Bottom line: it’s awesome. I’m carrying it with me everywhere!

Rebecca R.

"It really helps and it works!!"

I’ve never written a review before but i felt i needed to for this. I am allergic to mosquito bites and no matter how much i spray myself i still get bit. I saw an ad on fb for this and decided to get it because im desperate lol. Well i got it and used it and it actually works!! I get super swollen from bug bites and itch like crazy i used this and instantly the swelling went down. Depending on your bite you may need to do it a couple times but it really helps and works!!

Angel A.

" It provides instant relief"

I cannot stress to you enough how much better this simple little tool has made my quality of life during summer in Ohio. It rains a lot. There are a lot of mosquitoes. Omg so many mosquitoes. I have horrific allergic reactions to mosquito bites. We're talking bumps swelling to the width of softballs within minutes of the bite. This tool doesn't make those bumps go away, but it stops the itch IMMEDIATELY. I was a huge skeptic; how could a little suction cure this agonizingly itchy allergic reaction? I'll be honest. I still really don't know how it does, but it provides instant relief that no pill, cream, or injection ever has ever achieved for me. If you live anywhere where insect bites are common, you need to own one of these!

Amazon Customer

"This is the bomb!"

I bought this because i have wasps near my garden. I never expected to need it 2 days after receiving it, but I was stung twice yesterday. I used it on each of the stings, and immediately reduced the pain and itching of those stings. today there is still some swelling at the sites, but considering that the last time i got stung i was on antihistamines, cortisone cream, and pain killers for a week, this simple device has already been well worth the expense. I'm not sure how it would work for mosquito bites but for wasp or bee stings this is the bomb!

Maryland T.

First Grade teacher

One of my best investments! I bought one for myself and one for the nurse's office. When my first graders complain of an itch from a bite, I show it to them and demonstrate on their hand what it feels like. I, then ask if they want me to use it to take away the itch. After the first use, they come to me daily with their new bites. It only takes one time to eliminate the itch and saves loss of instructional time because they are not having to leave the room to have itch cream applied multiple times a day. They love it as much as I do.

Becky Cunningham-Reid

INCREDIBLE! Life Saver!!!

It works!!! Our community is especially inundated with mosquitos this summer. It has been on the news - it is awful! We stopped by a friends for a BBQ and I forgot to wear repellant! I had misplaced my “Bug Bite Thing” and so I have been itching for days. I have over a dozen bites, I have awoken from my sleep scratching at my ankles! Today I found my bug bite thing and BAM! No itching! RELIEF!!! Finally! Can’t say enough! It works!

Cynthia Reynoso

Works every time and super easy to use

This little device works better than any anti itch spray we've ever used. We spend a lot of time outside and get mosquito bites all the time. They sprays cost just as much but only provide relief for a few hours at best, if at all. The effects were easily noticeable within a few minutes with very single bite we've used it on and never returned. It works so well that we put one in each car and one in the medicine cabinet. They are so easy to use the kids can do it by themselves! I'll never buy itch spray/cream for bug bites ever again


Best thing ever!

This is the best invention ever! My kids’ bites used to swell up and bleed and basically keep them up at night! Not anymore! If I catch them early with the big bite thing it’s like a miracle! I have one in every level of my house and in my bag!


This really works.

When you use it right after a mosquito bite, you can see a small amount of clear liquid coming out of the tiny red dot. I guess it's mostly blood plasma rather than mosquito saliva, but the important thing is that something actually comes out undoing what the mosquito did. And the itchiness goes away instantly. The swell and redness disappear soon. It's miraculous!

Jae Park


I was VERYYYY skeptical as I usually am when making a purchase like this. However, it truly gave my family instant relief. My 7 yo son gets welt like bug bites so I bought this prior to going to the beach for vacation (where he usually suffers the worst) it stopped the itching immediately and swelling went down within 30 mins. My 3 yo even got what I suspect was a spider bite on her shoulder and it was gone. You do have to be sure not to suck all the way for little ones and I made that mistake the first time I used it on my 3 yo. It did leave a mark on her like a little circle hickie but the bite was gone!!! I was skeptical even after that so every time someone in the house got a bite I whipped it out and everyone said the same thing! I used it on probably 7 people through the week:) highly recommend!


I love it!!

I love it!! I got bit while visiting a family member at their farm over a weekend. Not only did the bites (yes multiple) not itch, but the welts went away faster. This was a major plus due to the fact that one of my bites was on my face, and I had to go to work on the next Monday. I'm now buying for friends and family.

Kimberly H

This product does just what it says.

This product does just what it says. Normally when I'm bit by a mosquito it spreads into a large welt that's extremely itchy for more than a week. When I used this product on mosquito bites, the itching goes away within seconds before it has time to spread. It truly works! I now keep it on me at all times and spend more time outside because I have this tool on hand.



My husband thought I was crazy

Hey, So I love The Bug Bite Thing and I use it all the time!! My husband on the other hand thought i was crazy and didn't believe it actually works!! UNTIL...... The 4th of July, He put on a firework show and during his pyrotechnic display he got a dozen mosquito bites!!! The next day I attacked him with the Bug Bite Thing and BAM!!!! No more itchy husband!!!! WOOHOO!! He is now a Bug Bite Thing believer!! Thanks again for the great product!!



Took a chance because most things don't work as advertised. My wife and I both had bites and it worked! Plan to tell relatives and our friends.


This thing is a miracle!!!

My son get's allergic reactions to bug bites and they swell up to baseball size and get hot to the touch. They are extremely painful to him. When we use this right away they go away instantly and never swell up. If we don't get to them until they are swollen already it still takes them away! This is a miracle. More people need to know about this! Thank you!!

Angela Meyer

Thank you Jesus!

I have ordered 6 of these. My family has one each and I have one on the first and second floors. One in my car. One in my purse. I am so allergic to insect bites to where the bites would become infected. NO MORE! I can now garden with the confidence I will get relief SOON! This is truly a Godsend for me. Thank you so much!

Jane hart

Incredible relief from a walking mosquito buffet

It's pretty hard to sway me one way or another on a product. Very rarely do products stand out positively or negatively, but boy does this product stand out. I was pretty doubtful when my mother-in-law gifting this to me because I've never found a product that really helps with the mosquitoes or itching until now. There are people that get bit by mosquitoes and black flies and the like, and then there are the people that get eaten alive by them. I take my dog out into the back yard and I turn into a mosquito buffet on two legs. People usually think I joke about how bad they are, but I'm always the first to get a mosquito bite in the year and the last to still have one (and always have the proof on my arms and legs...). My wife can get bit and it will go away after 5 minutes. I get bit and it swells and itches for a week. This year, every local store has been sold out of bug spray because of how bad the mosquitoes are this year. So on to the actual product review: This product is beyond amazing. I have tried ChiggerX (worked okay but was really messy), anti-itch cream, any kind of citronella candle, stick, spray, home recipes, and everything under the sun. Usually I have to bathe in Deet to not be bothered by mosquitoes, and let's face it, sometimes you just miss a spot or they are too hungry to bother even stopping for all the prevention put in place. This is where the product comes in, with moderate prevention, I don't worry about the bug bites that do happen. I don't fear I'm going to have 10 bug bites before I go to work and itch all day because my dog decided to take a stroll along the woods instead of doing her business and getting back in the house. Final remarks: I'm leaving this review because I lost mine on a recent trip and honestly am buying three replacements (were cheaper in bulk off the website). I figured others who are like me and hate going outside because of the miserable itching that results for weeks from bug bites could find an actual working solution for itch relief finally.


What have I been doing my whole life without this?

Where ever I go, mosquitoes seem to seek me out. I can be in a large geoup of people and I will always walk away with the most mosquito bites. If I make the short walk from house to car then car to work, i have another few mosquito bites. If you get mosquito bites even occasionally, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT!! I don’t understand how it works but it works WONDERS! I just got a mosquito bite this morning, immediately used this product on the bite, and havent felt the urge to scratch since then. I’m keeping this product with me at all times forever!!

Katy Dohr

I love this thing!

I love this thing! I have horrible reactions to mosquito bites, I just get huge welts and scratch until I have scabs all over. This usually reduces the bite to a little numb that barely itches! Thanks for making such a great product!


Can’t live without this!!!!

This is my life saver. I get eaten alive by mosquitoes at the Colorado River in Yuma, AZ. I have the worst reaction as well. I have tried every bug repellent and nothing helps. I figured since I can’t prevent getting bit, I would give this a try to help with recovery. So glad I ordered it because it’s changed my life. I love it so much I ended up buying a 3 Pack just to have them everywhere. Good thing I did...last weekend at the river a wasp crawled up my 4 year old nephews board shorts, bit him 4 times. Within seconds after using The Big Bite Thing he was 100% fine.


What a relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mosquitos luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv me. People sit next to me at campfires 'cause they won't get bitten. The bites stay sensitive for a week or more - until now. The suction works both on new and on old bites. The new ones are taken care of right away. I think when a bite is established, the irritation becomes self perpetuating, but if I use the Bug Bite Thing each time the itch starts up again, it pulls the irritant out, and the relief comes within a day, instead of lasting a week or more. You have changed my life for the better. Thank you!

Susan Reynolds

Game Changer!

I rarely write reviews but this product has been a total game changer for me so I had to share! This absolutely works on mosquito bites! It STOPS the itching. I usually use it 3 times in a row on new bites just to make sure. I used it on some old bites as well and it also helped. I am amazed that this works so well but now I will never go without it! No more miserable itching and the bites heal so much faster since I’m not scratching at them and making them worse! Definitely worth the price for instant long lasting relief!

Liz C.

I Had to Order Another One

Being skeptical about whether this gadget worked or not, I ordered one Bug Bite Thing. Because I was going to Minnesota to visit my daughter and grandchildren, I had the Bug Bite Thing shipped to her house. The part of Minnesota that she lives in is notorious for its mosquitoes and mosquitoes seem to be really drawn to me. When I arrived, my daughter had already received and opened my package and she was raving about how well it worked on my grandchildren's mosquito bites. When I got my first mosquito bite, I used it and it did work and nobody was scratching. Being an indulgent grandmother, I left my Bug Bite Thing with them when I started home and I ordered another to be shipped to my home in Texas. I probably should have ordered several.

Nancy French-Todd

Just what I needed!

This little tool is really remarkable. I am a mosquito magnet and typically bites last 4 to 7 days for me with regular itching. The antihistamine creams have never been very effective for me, and thus I was kind of skeptical about this product, but I decided to give it a try. I'm amazed at its effectiveness. I've used it at least 10 times in the past week (doing a lot of gardening and getting a lot of bites!) and it does exactly what it says - removes the itchiness. A couple of bites have needed a second treatment - most don't itch again after the first treatment (3 suctions of about 15 seconds each). I have used it on bites all over - legs, back, arms, and even knuckles (with the small end) and it is consistently effective. I am so glad I bought it and am giving one to my parents. I can't believe something so simple is so effective, and yet has never been offered before commercially. This tool is the must-have tool for my summer garden season. It even works on our helicopter-sized Canadian mosquitoes. Absolutely recommend this product without reservation!



I had to use this within an hour of it being delivered. It truly does what it claims to do! Not only do I seem to attract mosquitoes, their bites often leave a huge swollen area about the size of a quarter and itch for days. The bug bite thing provides instant relief from the itching and the swelling quickly subsides. I am so glad they have the reversible top for areas where the larger side would not work. I got several bites around my ankle and the smaller side of the top worked just fine. Strongly, strongly recommend this product!


Instant relief!

I used this one time on a mosquito bite that I'd scratched open (ouch!) and it worked immediately! My husband used it and said it stopped the itching for him, too. We love it!

Vickie Long


I have been happy since day one! I didnt doubt it would work since I know about large venom extractors people have for snakes bites, etc, but I'm still so floored by this cheap product. All of my friends love it and want one too. And how great is it that it even floats?!!!? The bug bite thing has greatly improved my quality of life and I hope everyone else gets on board.


I want to give this 20 stars

I carry steroid cream lidocaine and an eppen as I am allergic to every bug there is. This bug bite thing is amazing! I just used it on a note on my arm that was all swollen and within 3-4 minutes (I had to do it a few times) there is little evidence of a bite at All. GREAT GREAT product

Donna W


I read reviews and looked this up online...was curious but skeptical. But I ordered The Bug Thing out curiosity and was Amazed! I have used this at least 4 times in the past 2 weeks and it works everytime! I can honestly say this is an outstanding product that I will continue to use and share with family and friends (I even bought extras for my grandkids!). Absolutely with the investment!


Great Great Product

I live on Oahu, Hawaii and this is the beginning of summer. It is Mosquito season!!! I get bites all the time, tropical fire ants and mosquito's. This Bug Bite Thing is the best thing ever. The only thing wrong with this product is, that it leaves a red ring. That's all.... Mahalo, Tracy Taketa

Tracy S Taketa

So far, so good!

I’ve only used it once. I was bitten by a mosquito. I used BugBite Thing, it worked! No itching or swelling. I thought the itching might start back the next day but it didn’t. I think it’s easier if you can have someone else apply BugBite Thing, to insure it fully covers the bite. I waited the full 30 sec (possibly longer), as the instructions suggested. I’m happy!!!


Good Product

I was quite skeptical but decided to give it a try. So far I'd say it takes 90% of my itching away. Some spots (chiggers) it has done wonders on most bites but a few bites seem to be a bit more stubborn. However, after a couple of weeks of using it, I have only used cortisone cream once. Also, I had a small spot of suspected poison ivy and I thought "well it's worth a try". Today the spot doesn't itch in the slightest. Either this is a marvelous new product or a great placebo but either way, nearly all my itching is gone.



I saw this on one of the tv shows, it may have been on Good Morning America. I was skeptical but the cost was so small I figured “it’s nota big lost if it doesn’t work.” WOW! Amazing, it is wonderful. Both my wife and I have dealt with bug bites in the Ozarks for the last 12 year, after moving here from California. Not this year????it real works.

Jim Brockett


Fantastic! Had bite behind knee. Used on bite twice. Itch gone. Instant relief. Normally would have lasted two or more weeks.


Take THAT, bugs!

Rarely does something that sounds too good to be true turn out to be true. This little device is a miracle worker as far as I’m concerned. I had three welts from bites when the product was delivered and they were 2 days old. Not only did the itching stop immediately, but within a few hours the welts had disappeared! Don’t hesitate to buy this, and I’m already giving some as gifts for others who have never heard of this before. THANK YOU for making this great product!

Kathy Schlegel

It works

Wow this thing works! I got stung by a fire ant and boy was it stinging something fierce. It was on my ankle. I sucked it out 5 to 6 times. I wanted to be sure it was all out. Sure enough. No swelling and no itching and it's been 3 days now! Yahoo!


It Works!

My 3-year-old grandson gets eaten alive just going from the house to the car. Playing outside can produce 15 to 20 bites on his legs and arms. We've used sprays with Deet, wipes with Picardin; nothing protects him. He was scratching, bleeding, scabbing, scratching, bleeding. Hate having to put long pants on him in the summer heat here in Florida. I carry one with me at all times and now. As soon as he gets a bite and itches, he runs to me and asks me to "please fix it." He no longer scratches bites! Don't hesitate to buy them. Just do it!



I am completely shocked this worked

"My daughter came running in the house from the patio screaming in pain. When I lifted up her shirt there was an ant literally still attached to her back biting. I flung it off. Within seconds her back started to swell and she was crying in pain. We grabbed the Bug Thing and used it. Immediately she calmed down and felt relief. Within minutes, the swelling was gone and she was completely fine. I checked her back the next morning expecting to find large welts and scratch marks from her itching. There was none. I am completely shocked this worked. You have gained a lifelong customer Bug Bite Thing"



What usually would be a 4 day struggle

"I got eaten up last night installing my children’s car seats. Two quick pulls of the Bug Bite Thing instantly stopped the itching and eliminated the swelling. What usually would be a 4 day struggle of itching and swelling was gone in 30 seconds. One happy Mom!"

One Happy Mom

I've tried the hot spoon technique...

I already ordered a three-pack and am now ordering another three-pack because the BBT is so effective. I've tried the hot spoon technique, the apple cider vinegar technique but the BBT is the BEST ever.

Susan L


Has literally changed my life for the better

Buying Bug Bite Thing was the best choice for this Summer. My son bought it for me and can't thank him enough. It works, and has literally changed my life for the better. We have bought six more since then for family members and I keep recommending it.

Connie Z


It's a plastic miracle!!

I was out in the grasslands of Colorado yesterday and got bit twice by mosquitoes. By the time I got to my backpack the bites were starting to swell and get itchy like crazy. I grabbed my Bug Bite Thing and not even a minute after using it twice the itch was gone! And it's still gone after showering, shaving my legs and in general just doing anything that would have aggravated the bite before! No anti itch cream, nothing!! How have I ever survived without this thing!?!?! lol. It's a plastic miracle!!

Cheryl E


I literally never leave home without it

How did I not know about this thing before now?! It has become my crack! When I first saw it I thought it was probably a cream and dismissed it, but when I found out it literally draws the venom out of your body to stop the itching I had to have it. I couldn't wait to use it and I was relieved that when I did it worked. So much so, that I bought another one and now carry one around in my purse and diaper bag. I live in south florida and am always covered in bites...and I have two young daughters who also get bit, so this makes me so happy to know I can stop their itch too. My oldest loves it so much she pretends she has bites just so she can use it ha!

Brooke C


Kentucky Lake Mosquitos

I met up with my family on vacation at Kentucky Lake, where this time of year mosquitoes are at their peak. Inevitably, no matter how much bug repellent or deterrent candles you light, you still get bitten, by what seems to be a strain of ill tempered Mosquitoes with the determination greater than the barriers in place. We put the "Bug Bite Thing" to the test!. My grandmother typically refrains from going outdoors, because when bitten will itch for 3-5 days. Not only did it keep us from itching from a few stray irritants, but it allowed us to make some more great memories in the outdoors!

Michael Murphy - Pro Fisherman


Hotel Bed Bugs

There were bed bugs, YES, BED BUGS, in my hotel room in Orlando. I woke up Wednesday morning to EIGHTEEN severely itchy bites on my arms, neck, elbows and back. I did everything in my power not to itch because I knew it would make the situation so much worse. I could not wait to get home from the event, and even cut the trip short a day. Fast forward 36 hours: I finally just walked in the door and the first thing I did after being gone all week wasn't kiss my new husband, play with the dog or settle down and drink a glass of wine, but instead I grabbed my Bug Bite Thing and pleaded with my spouse to suck the disgusting bed bug venom out of every single bite. Five minutes later and the pain and itching that has been driving me mad for a day and a half is FINALLY gone.

Linda M.


Wasp Sting

I was stung by a wasp at the playground, it was a really sharp, uncomfortable pain.  I wanted it to stop! I was concerned the pain would continue, or worse, get more painful.  I didn't want to move! Once I used the Bug Bite Thing, the pain started to fade.  It was a miracle!!!!  Good thing it was in my bag.  I will never leave home without it!

Samantha Gestal


My Child

My child suffers greatly for mosquito bites. There was nothing I could do for her other than smear chemicals on her skin. We used the Bug Bite Thing for all her bites and it gives her instant relief. She even brings it to me when she is itching.

Jackie Alberts


Awesome Invention

I can't believe how effective this product is! I used it on both of my kids and it actually worked! Wish I had known about it before instead of using creams to help bug bites. Awesome invention! You gotta try it - definitely a product that you will want to take with you everywhere!

Cibie Cahur - Realtor and Mother

Attacked While Driving Home

I bought a Bug Bite Thing hoping it would really work and much to my surprise it DID! I live in Florida and get bit on a daily basis. The bugs here are angry and can bite through your long pants. I was driving home from work and got attacked several times by a big mosquito in my car. I used my Bug Bite Thing as soon as I parked and was able to stop the the intense itching and swelling before it really kicked in. I LOVE MY BUG BITE THING!

Elsie Binder - Business Owner


Stung By Bee

My fiancé and I were walking our dogs outside when suddenly I heard her scream. She was stung by a bee. Stinger sticking out of her skin and all. I remembered my Sister had sent us a Bug Bite Thing for Christmas and I asked my fiancé if she still had it in her purse. She said yes. I was able to scrape out the stinger that was sticking up, and suck out the venom. She instantly felt relief from the burning. She had to use it a few extra times to remove all of the venom but it worked. Never had any itching or swelling that usually occurs with bee stings. We are now buying three more.

Michael Sims - Video Specialist


