Mosquitos - Wasps - Bees - Hornets - Ants - Splinters - Thorns - And More!
Shark Tank™ name and logo used with permission. ©️ 2020 Sony Pictures Television Inc.
All rights reserved. No endorsement by the producers/broadcaster of Shark Tank™ is implied
I was a huge skeptic; how could a little suction cure this agonizingly itchy allergic reaction? I'll be honest I still really don't know how it does, but it provides instant relief that no pill, cream , or injection ever has ever achieved for me. If you live anywhere where insect bites are common, you need to own one of these!
-- Amazon Customer
I get horrible allergic reactions to mosquitos. The bites always swell up, ooze, and itch uncontrollably for days. I was able to get one day delivery on this product, used it today, and finally have relief! This product sucked out a ton of liquid from my bite and there's no more itch So thankful for this product for existing!!!
-- Mr. Phoenix
This is so worth it! My daughter always seems to get bitten by mosquitoes. She would scratch at the bites until they bled. This week it rained a lot and when she went outside for just 15 minutes she ended up with 7 bites. I used the bug bite thing and instantly she had no more itching and went back to playing.
-- Jeff